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The National Bank of Cambodia and ESCAP to co-develop a Sustainable Finance Roadmap

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Mon, 11/12/2023 - 14:15
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The United Nations Economic and Social Commissions for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) announced the development of the National Bank of Cambodia’s Sustainable Finance Roadmap, signifying the future collaboration through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing ceremony on Friday.

This initiative from the NBC, in partnership with the ESCAP, represents a significant commitment towards addressing climate-change-related risks and supporting the growth of green and sustainable finance, which will provide an opportunity for Cambodia to positively contribute to meeting its climate commitments and SDG goals.

ESCAP has collaborated closely with the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) since 2019, engaging in capacity-building initiatives and providing technical assistance programs with concerted efforts aligning with the overarching objective of bolstering the expansion of sustainable finance in Cambodia.

The MOA represents NBC’s adoption of the first recommendation of the policy analysis titled ‘Green and Sustainable Financial Market Analysis: Financing Cambodia’s Future’ co-developed by ESCAP and NBC, which notes the importance of developing a roadmap and vision for sustainable finance.

The Sustainable Finance Roadmap aims to align Cambodia’s financial system with its broader sustainable development goals, specifically addressing climate change, promoting environmental sustainability, and including considerations to enhance social and economic well-being. Overall, the adoption of the roadmap would support Cambodia to create a more resilient and stable financial system that supports long-term economic and environmental sustainability.

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Inclusive business practices highlighted in new ESCAP report, launched at the Asia-Pacific Commemoration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

Submitted by RJOHANSE on Wed, 06/12/2023 - 17:35
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Inclusive business practices take centre stage in a new ESCAP report, launched on the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The report, "Disability at a Glance 2023: Catalysts of Change: Disability Inclusion in Business in Asia and the Pacific," shines a spotlight on the transformative potential of disability-inclusive business practices. It underscores the need for businesses in the Asia-Pacific region to promote disability inclusion across their value chains to promote equality and diversity while fostering growth and innovation.

The report provides an overview of the status of disability-inclusive business practices, showcasing numerous successful examples from both within the region and beyond. The inclusion of persons with disabilities brings potential benefits for businesses, including access to an untapped talent pool, heightened productivity and retention, improved workplace accessibility, increased innovation and profitability, diversified supplier networks, enhanced delivery of goods and services, closer contact with a vast consumer market and a boost to reputation.

“The publication emphasizes that now is the time for businesses, governments, and other stakeholders to shift their approach to ensure that businesses actively promote disability rights and inclusion,” said Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP.

The Asia-Pacific region is home to over 750 million persons with disabilities, many of whom continue to face significant barriers to their full societal participation. Data from the International Labour Organization reveals that the median labour force participation rate for 23 countries and territories in the Asia-Pacific region is 24 per cent for persons with disabilities compared to 60 per cent for persons without.

Realizing disability-inclusive development requires meaningful engagement with persons with disabilities, encompassing their diverse experiences and comprehensive integration of their rights. Business can assume a pivotal role in advancing disability-inclusive development by championing inclusion and upholding the rights of persons with disabilities throughout their value chain. This approach involves actively engaging persons with disabilities as leaders, employees, consumers, suppliers/distributors, subject experts and valued stakeholders.

Removing barriers to the full participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of business is essential. Recently, ESCAP member States adopted the Jakarta Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023-2032. The Declaration recognizes the transformative potential of disability-inclusive business and urges private sector engagement as a pivotal catalyst for change. Given the private sector's significant contribution to employment, manufacturing and services in the region, it is evident that the economic empowerment of persons with disabilities can only be truly realized through the private sector’s active involvement and contributions.

The commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities featured a dynamic multi-stakeholder panel and discussion centred on the promotion of disability-inclusive business practices. It also included a film screening showcasing winning short films from Focus on Ability, an annual film festival organized by NOVA Employment. These films celebrate the achievements and abilities of persons with disabilities.

Read the full report:

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Pacific governments call for accelerated regional actions to implement the Sustainable Development Goals

Submitted by RJOHANSE on Mon, 04/12/2023 - 14:38
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The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), together with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), organized the Seventh Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (PFSD) with the theme “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”.

The 2023 PFSD was held on the 21st and 22nd November 2023 at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji to take stock of the progress by Pacific Small Island Development States in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 13 (Climate Action), 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Representatives of Pacific Islands Forum members and associate members, along with the United Nations development system in the Pacific, private sector, civil society, academia, youth and development actors participated in the forum.

The meeting heard that without peace in our society, none of the SDGs can be achieved and that Pacific nations demonstrate strong and accountable leadership. It was emphasized that climate change is a security issue, and 1.5 to stay alive must remain in our global discussions.

COVID-19 and ongoing geopolitical tensions have disrupted and reversed progress on poverty reduction and food security with participants highlighting the importance of ensuring healthy growth and development with more data needed to track changes and the impact of programmes.

Solutions proposed during the forum included citizen budget consultations, increased political will,collaborative leadership and civic engagement. Also important was consideration of the Oceans-Climate-Health nexus; sustainable development financing including climate finance for a Just Transition in line with SDG7; digital transformation; gender and disability inclusive social development; and evidence-based policymaking. Alignment of national development strategies with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, ambitions of the 2030 Agenda, and the Pacific Partnerships for Prosperity is essential.

The forum also reflected on the preparation and submission of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). Fiji submitted its VNR earlier this year with the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu expected to submit their VNRs in 2024. The VNRs are prepared by countries to update the other members of the UN on the progress they are making in achieving the SDGs. A multistakeholder approach to SDGs is key and so engagement with stakeholders is a critical component of the VNRs.

The outcomes of this seventh PFSD will contribute to the Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) that will meet in Bangkok in February 2024 and then to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York in July 2024.

As an associated event of the seventh PFSD, the country delegates attended a VNR Clinic at the ESCAP Pacific Office in Suva, Fiji on 23 November 2023. This clinic facilitated the exchange of experiences and good practices in the Pacific in preparing VNRs. It also provided an opportunity to discuss the role of VNRs in encouraging multistakeholder partnerships and improving planning and policy to accelerate SDG implementation.

Today, ESCAP in partnership with the Pacific Community (SPC) hosted an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) to develop guidelines for national indicator production. The EGM brought together key stakeholders(Planners, Statisticians and Development Partners) to prepare an approach for producing the guidelines, in parallel with piloting in several Pacific SIDS. This work responds to a key recommendation from the Sixth PFSD in 2022, for Pacific guidelines to indicator production, to support countries meet their global, regional and national reporting requirements.


The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)is the most inclusive intergovernmental platform in the Asia-Pacific region. The Commission promotes cooperation among its 53 member States and 9 associate members in pursuit of solutions to sustainable development challenges. ESCAP is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations. The ESCAP secretariat supports inclusive, resilient and sustainable development in the region by generating action-oriented knowledge, and by providing technical assistance and capacity-building services in support of national development objectives, regional agreements and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, coming into effect on 1 January 2016, for a period of 15 years until 2030, in what is known as the 2030 Agenda. There are 17 SDGs. These are SDG1 (No Poverty); SDG2 (Zero Hunger); SDG3 (Good Health and Wellbeing); SDG4 (Quality Education); SDG5 (Gender Equality); SDG6 (Clean Water and Sanitation); SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy); SDG8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth); SDG9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure); SDG10 (Reduced Inequalities); SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities); SDG12 (Responsible Consumption and Production); SDG13 (Climate Action); SDG14 (Life below Water); SDG15 (Life on Land); SDG16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions); and SDG17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

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Pacific Islands Countries Lauded for Endorsing Regional Framework on Climate Mobility

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Wed, 15/11/2023 - 12:29
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The Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security Programme (PCCMHS) partners have welcomed the momentous agreement of Pacific Island countries on the establishment of Regional Framework on Climate Mobility, and their commitment to protect local communities whose safety and mobility have been affected by the impacts of climate change.  

“This agreement represents a watershed moment in the collective effort to comprehensively address the impacts of climate change on Pacific nations; it provides practical guidance to governments planning for and managing climate mobility, and recognizes the fundamental priority of people to stay in their ancestral homes,” said IOM Director General Amy Pope, who attended the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting, held in the Cook Islands from 6-10 November. 

“In celebration of the strong collaboration and shared commitment, ESCAP applauds the strong partnership forged under the guidance of Co-Chairs Fiji and Tuvalu and all the Pacific members. ESCAP commends the Pacific’s bold and courageous leadership and vision in the adoption of the framework. We reiterate our commitment to support the implementation of the framework together with members and partners,” said ESCAP Executive Secretary Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana. 

The Pacific Regional Framework on Climate Mobility is a first in terms of addressing the issues of migration, displacement, and planned relocation comprehensively. It is also an important flagship initiative to implement the goals outlined in the 2050 Strategy of the Blue Pacific Continent, the region’s long-term strategic policy document, framing the region’s collective direction for the next three decades. 

The PCCMHS programme has, in the past 4 years, been actively supporting the development of this regional collaboration framework on human mobility as a result of climate change. 

In an effort to leave no one behind, the framework encapsulates the lived experiences of women, youth, people with disability, marginalized groups and all communities affected by climate mobility; it contains the advice and lessons of Pacific governments, civil society and academia. It also captures the need to uphold and protect human rights without discrimination; preserve culture and identity; strengthen regional collaboration; and protect those at risk of displacement.  

With far-reaching impacts of climate change on human mobility in the Pacific Islands region, and more than 50,000 Pacific people displaced every year due to climate and disaster related events, the Pacific is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change, with its low-lying island nations facing multiple threats, including sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and ocean acidification. 

PCCMHS partners look forward to supporting Pacific Island countries in the participatory, inclusive, and transparent implementation of the framework; ensuring migration remains a choice rather than a necessity, and that everyone who moves in the context of climate change is able to enjoy their human rights, regardless of status.  

The PCCMHS programme is comprised of the lead agency, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the partners, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), International Labour Organization (ILO), Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), together with Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD). The programme has been supported through funding from the UN Trust Fund for Human Security, and Aotearoa New Zealand’s International Development Cooperation Programme — Ngā Hoe Tuputupu-mai-tawhiti. 

You can access the full PIFS Forum Communique here

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Participants at Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in the Cook Islands

Photo credit: International Organization for Migration

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Digital SDGs: Regional Workshop on Digital Inclusion and Community Development

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Wed, 20/09/2023 - 09:44
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The “Digital SDGs: "Regional Workshop on Digital Inclusion and Community Development” was co-organized by ESCAP and the Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives (KFCC) on 18-19 September 2023, at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, in a hybrid modality.

This event aimed to support the regional promotion of the global SDGs Digital Day which was conducted in New York on 17 September, prior to the SDG Summit.  This workshop responded to the urgent need to address the digital divide and development gaps at the community level and promote frontier technology applications including effective digital financing models for inclusion, AI for SDGs, as well as digital cooperation through the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (AP-IS) as an instrument to support the achievements of SDGs.

“In the near future, we plan to set up an Information Technology Special Zone to attract global talent to do business in a tax-free and favourable legal environment, helping them turn their ideas into beautifully crafted products to conquer the world together. I would like to thank the ESCAP secretariat and the KFCC for organising this important workshop. It allowed us to share our experiences, challenges, and successes”, said Erkhembaatar Jargaltsengel, Vice Minister of Digital Development and Communications of Mongolia.  

“This is a beginning of collaboration between ESCAP and the KFCC. Starting from next year, we plan to do joint research and projects for selected countries on ICT-based financial inclusion,” said Woojong Sim, Director, International Development Cooperation Team, Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives.

Mr. Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of the High-Tech Industry of Armenia had invited policymakers and bureau members of AP-IS to join the Seventh session of the AP-IS Steering Committee and Regional Review of the World Summit on the Information Society on 8-9 November 2023 in Yerevan, Armenia.

A total of 59 participants from 16 countries in the Asia-Pacific region including senior government officials. Other regional experts from international organizations such as the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) of Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), think tanks such as KDI School, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul National University, and the Queen Mary University of the UK, and business sectors such as Google, Accenture, and Huawei also joined the event to share their solutions for challenges and opportunities of digital transformation for SDG acceleration.

The workshop contributed to enhancing knowledge on good practices and lessons learned on digital inclusion for SDGs, in particular, community-based digital financing inclusion and AI applications for SDGs, strengthening partnerships on digital inclusion for SDGs with an emphasis on digital micro-finance models and systems in the community with an emphasis on women entrepreneurship; and exploring applications of new frontier technologies for community development including artificial intelligence and climate change technologies.

Participants including ESCAP and KFCC committed to continuing our collaboration to advance digital inclusion and digital transformation in the Asia-Pacific region through the AP-IS platform.

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Image of participants in Digital SDGs: Regional Workshop on Digital Inclusion and Community Development

Photo credit: Hello Neighbor / Khajohnsak Thongpast

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Innovative tech start up challenge fosters inclusive entrepreneurship in Cambodia

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Thu, 07/09/2023 - 14:15
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The winners of an Innovative Tech Startup Challenge implemented by the Cambodia University of Technology and Science (CamTech) have been announced, after 11 participating teams pitched innovative solutions to harness technology to address Cambodia’s sustainable development challenges.

The first prize of US$3,500 was awarded to Tamdan, an AI-powered mobile application that allows parents to follow up with their children's schooling progression. Volts, an advanced device to monitor, analyze, and forecast the consumption of electrical energy in households or firms, was awarded the second prize of US$2,500. In third place came Uniflow, an AI-powered stock management software with the ability to forecast supply and demand, claiming a prize of US$2,000. Moreover, all participating teams were awarded a runner up prize of US$1,000.

The pitch event was attended by over 120 participants, including high level representatives from the Cambodian Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, senior representatives from prominent tech universities in Cambodia, local investors, start ups, major corporations and members of business associations.

The high-profile event marked the culmination of a four-month startup and entrepreneurship training programme on sustainable business solutions for the 11 teams of aspiring entrepreneurs, which kicked off in April 2023. Notably, among the 48 participating team members, 69 per cent were women. To explore the role of women in digital entrepreneurship, a panel discussion among four Cambodian women tech entrepreneurs was facilitated during the pitching event.

As a result of the initiative, CamTech startup teams were invited by the University Incubator Consortium (UNIIC) to pitch and compete in an upcoming competition hosted by the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 20 – 22 September 2023. All of the participating teams will go on to participate in a data hackathon event known as My Rapid Hack hosted by the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) between 23 – 24 September 2023.

Resulting from a partnership between CamTech University, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) programme - Catalysing Women’s Entrepreneurship (CWE), and Khmer Enterprise (KE), the goal of the initiative is to incubate and provide seed funding to new tech startups to foster an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Cambodia.

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Winners of an Innovative Tech Startup Challenge

Photo credit: Cambodia University of Technology and Science

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Accelerating Sustainable Finance Through Private Sector Participation in Sri Lanka

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Mon, 28/08/2023 - 19:38
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Sri Lanka is embarking on a transformative journey towards a sustainable, resilient economy, bolstered by a strategic partnership between key stakeholders. In pursuit of ambitious climate goals and the effective management of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks, the nation is setting the stage for a paradigm shift in sustainable finance mobilization. The roadmap for this transformation includes a Roadmap for Sustainable Finance in Sri Lanka, the Green Finance Taxonomy introduced in May 2022, and further emphasizes the development of local guidelines, operational tools, and the adoption of global standards for thematic bonds.

As Sri Lanka works diligently with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other stakeholders to restore macroeconomic and debt sustainability, the government's focus remains on economic reforms. This pivotal moment also presents a unique opportunity to harness innovative sustainable finance mechanisms, particularly by mobilizing the private sector towards innovative financial instruments to finance the Nationally Determinant Contributions (NDC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Recognizing the private sector's pivotal role in facilitating NDC and SDG investments, a targeted capacity-building workshop was conducted to equip key stakeholders with the knowledge and tools fundamental to mobilizing sustainable finance.

The Accelerating Sustainable Finance Through Private Sector Participation workshop, jointly organized by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the Sustainable Development Council, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), builds on the momentum of previous sustainable finance knowledge sessions held in Sri Lanka. The training program, conducted in partnership with the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX) and LGX Academy, aimed to enhance capacity and understanding in several critical areas for financial institutions:

  1. Sustainable Bond Issuance: Participants gained insights into sustainable bond issuance, ESG financing products, compliance with international best practices, and mainstreaming ESG instruments and risk management.
  2. Diversification of Financial Products: The knowledge sharing on sustainable finance instruments like thematic bonds, allowing participants to explore this distinct market segment, diversify financial products, and attract a broader range of investors.
  3. Best Practices and Taxonomies: Attendees learnt best practices, green labeling, external reviews, and reporting guidelines, as well as the use of taxonomies in ESG products.
  4. Risk Management and Disclosures: A focus on ESG products, risk management, and disclosures, with practical examples and case studies to develop reporting, compliance, and ESG-related disclosure capacities.

The training program was designed to empower private sector stakeholders considering future thematic bond issuance and those seeking a deeper understanding of sustainable finance instruments, including ESG lending. The highly interactive training sessions featured group work, presentations, and ESG application considerations. Participants are equipped to apply their newfound knowledge practically within their respective organizations, driving forward Sri Lanka's sustainable finance agenda. The program also served as a unique platform that generated crucial data for regulators through engagement with the key actors of the financial ecosystem in Sri Lanka on the topics of Sustainable Finance.

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Image of panelists on stage in the event

ESCAP Photo/Anant Jha

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UN forum paves the way for a regional vision of feminist finance

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Thu, 17/08/2023 - 17:20
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Organised by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Feminist Finance Forum closed in Bangkok today with a rallying call to accelerate efforts and enhance multistakeholder cooperation to close this gender gap in access to finance for entrepreneurs across the region. The Forum provided an opportunity for key regional stakeholders to strategize on collaborative efforts to alleviate the constraints faced by women entrepreneurs across Asia and the Pacific.

Approximately 70 per cent of women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises globally lack adequate access to financial services. Compounding this, only 7 per cent of private equity and venture capital is invested in female-led businesses. Across Asia and the Pacific, the gender-finance gap is a prevalent issue, with an estimated US$300 billion gap in financing for formal women-owned small businesses, and more than 1 billion women excluded from formal financial systems.

This gap results from and drives prevailing social norms and entrenched gender discriminatory practices, which continue to constrain uptake and usage of financial services among women. In her opening remarks, Rupa Chanda, Director of the Trade, Investment and Innovation Division of ESCAP stressed the need to accelerate action and promote innovative solutions. “More action is needed to ensure that the financial ecosystem in the region is able to respond to the needs of women and underserved populations. This will require channeling investment capital into transformative gender-responsive solutions to climate change and economic disparities; encouraging capital allocators to move capital to first-time gender lens funds; creating financial products that support the safety, stability, and success of women; building private-public partnerships to strengthen blended finance solutions, as well as a regulatory environment that facilitates women’s financial inclusion and success”.

Cam Do, Director General of the Innovative and Climate Finance Bureau, Global Affairs Canada shared, “Feminist finance goes well beyond providing access to services and opportunities. It also involves transforming social norms, power dynamics that exist, and structural barriers that hinder equality. When women can fully participate in the economy, whether as entrepreneurs, agricultural producers, managers, employees, or business leaders, economies thrive, and more people benefit from growth.”

The two-day interactive Forum convened over 200 participants, including policymakers, women entrepreneurs, investors, financial service providers, academics, civil society and women’s grassroots organisations, and development partners.

During the event, participants explored the climate finance and gender equality nexus, the need to drive investments into the regional care economy, women’s financial inclusion and resilience, tools to overcome gender bias in funding processes, support services for women entrepreneurs, and actionable insights on gender lens investing and gender responsive financial products and services.

At the Forum, ESCAP launched its report: Policy Approaches for Financial Inclusion: An Examination of Approaches across Asia and the Pacific and Latin America, developed in partnership with the Government of Colombia. A Community of Practice on Women’s Financial Inclusion was also initiated, with a goal to bring policymakers in Asia and the Pacific and Latin America together to engage in mutually beneficial exchange on key priority areas identified during the Forum.

On the sidelines of the event, regional thought leaders and practitioners of Feminist Finance unveiled innovative new tools and initiatives to close the gender-finance gap. Impact Investment Exchange (IIX) launched its Orange Bond, set to unlock US$ 10 billion to empower 100 million women, building on the success of the Women’s Livelihood Bond Series, implemented in partnership with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and ESCAP.

Women-led Southeast Asia-based impact investment firm, SWEEF Capital, which was established with support from ESCAP, introduced participants to its recently launched Gender ROI™ tool, demonstrating the positive impact of adopting a gendered approach within organisations.

She Loves Tech, the world’s largest acceleration platform for women and technology, hosted a competition for women led start-ups from the Mekong region to pitch in front of the region’s top investors and funding institutions. The winning pitch was awarded to Vietnamese entrepreneur, Dung Claire Tran, Founder and CEO of Rayo- an AI-powered browser to make websites accessible for people with disabilities

During the Forum’s closing, a partnership agreement between ESCAP and 2X Global was signed ahead of the launch of two introductory and acceleration training programmes for female led or gender balanced fund managers from across Asia and the Pacific, which will run from September 2023 to March 2024. ESCAP also announced its intention to forge a joint initiative for Women investing for Women, in collaboration with 2X Global and other partners, to unlock gender smart capital at scale in Asia-Pacific, in addition to plans to commission a study on the FemTech Industry in South East Asia.

The Feminist Finance Forum was organised in the context of ESCAP’s Catalyzing Women’s Entrepreneurship Programme, funded by Global Affairs Canada. Through the Programme, ESCAP is working to foster women’s economic empowerment, reduce poverty and increase gender equality by supporting women’s entrepreneurship in the Asia-Pacific region.

To date, a total of 176,000 women entrepreneurs have gained access to finance through the project, and the programme has unlocked over US$89.7 million in capital. The Forum sought to build on these achievements, with a goal to drive tangible action for a feminist entrepreneurial ecosystem in Asia and the Pacific, and beyond.

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ASEAN forum emphasizes valuing and investing in the care economy as key to advancing gender equality

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Thu, 27/07/2023 - 15:39
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Women and girls in Asia and the Pacific spend a disproportionate amount of time on unpaid care and domestic work – four times more than men. This gendered division of labour limits their opportunities for education, work, and participation in public life. Despite ASEAN’s commitment to achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls by 2030, challenges persist to the effective implementation of the ASEAN Comprehensive Framework on Care Economy.

The Regional Forum on Care Work in ASEAN Countries, held from 27 to 28 July in Vientiane, shed light on the undervalued but essential work carried out by caregivers and emphasized the need for increased investment and recognition in this sector. The forum was jointly organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW), Oxfam and the ASEAN Secretariat.

Bringing together participants from across all ten ASEAN member-states, regional organizations, the private sector and technical experts, the forum represented a significant stride towards advancing gender equality and promoting sustainable development, delving into gender-responsive and care-sensitive policies and programs in the Asia-Pacific region.

“To create lasting change, we must prioritize transformative policies that recognize and redistribute the care burden equitably, without reinforcing traditional gender roles and norms. By promoting shared responsibility for caregiving among all members of society, we can pave the way for more meaningful opportunities for women to realize their full potential and empower women and girls to dream big and reach far,” said Cai Cai, Chief of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Section, ESCAP.

“Women spend a lifetime on unpaid care and domestic work, limiting their opportunities for education, work, and active participation in public life. It's time to recognize the immense value of care work and take action to create a more equitable society where caregiving responsibilities are shared and women can fully realize their potential in all aspects of life,” said Thasphorn Butsaling, Country Director, Oxfam.

The Regional Forum covered five key objectives over the course of two days. First, it aimed to create a Comprehensive Care Policy Ecosystem by facilitating extensive discussions to design a nurturing and supportive policy environment for care work within the ASEAN region. This included exploring care infrastructure and services, social protection policies, and care-related employment strategies.

Second, the forum focused on enhancing the well-being of care workers and caregivers, aiming to foster an ecosystem that supports their professional growth and personal development.

Third, it sought to safeguard and promote the care workforce by recognizing their indispensable role and addressing key considerations to ensure their rights and promote gender equality. This involved addressing issues such as fair compensation, decent working conditions, and the need to reduce gender disparities within the care sector.

The forum further explored challenges in Maternity Protection, with a core focus on comprehensive support for working mothers through maternity protection and childcare policies.

Finally, the forum advanced Evidence-based Care Strategies by encouraging the sharing of best practices and facilitating knowledge exchange. The emphasis was on identifying innovative approaches and evidence-based strategies for fostering sustainable care systems in ASEAN countries, with a focus on building inclusive, resilient, and equitable care frameworks.

To work towards this vision, the Regional Forum called for enhanced collaboration and partnership among ASEAN member states and stakeholders to facilitate the establishment of a robust and sustainable care sector.

"Fostering partnerships and synergies is vital in addressing unpaid care and domestic work, ensuring the well-being and empowerment of women and communities. By working together, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for all," underscored Thamma Phetvixay, ACW Chair and Vice President of Laos Women’s Union. 

Recommendations from the Forum were shared for the consideration of Indonesia as the 2023 ASEAN Chair and Lao PDR as the incoming 2024 ASEAN Chair.

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Parricipants at Regional Forum on Care Work in ASEAN countries

Photo credit: Oxfam/Vanida Souvannavong

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Countries in North and Central Asia review implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action and discuss leveraging investment to enhance connectivity in the subregion

Submitted by SSUPHUTT on Mon, 12/06/2023 - 11:52
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The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) held its Expert Group Meeting on the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) in North and Central Asia on 7-8 June, with a view to review progress and gaps in achieving specific objectives of the VPoA in the sub-region.

Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) face an array of common challenges in achieving long-term development and prosperity. Due to their geographical location, LLDCs suffer from limited competitiveness due to high trade costs and high dependance on neighbouring transit countries to access regional and international markets. Transport and connectivity challenges are also prevalent as these countries generally face higher administrative and trade costs, longer transit times and more complex border procedures.  The climate crisis is also having major impacts on LLDCs with many heavily affected by desertification, biodiversity loss, drought and receding glaciers.

Recognising the complex challenges facing LLDCs, the international community in 2014 adopted the Vienna programme of action for Landlocked Developing Countries. This is a ten-year action-plan aimed at accelerating sustainable development in LLDCs. It consists of a set of six priority areas of interventions: (i) Fundamental Transit Policy Issues; (ii) Infrastructure Development and Maintenance; (iii) International Trade and Trade Facilitation; (iv) Regional Integration and Cooperation, (v) Structural Economic Transformation; and (vi) Means of Implementation. These priority areas are intended as a holistic approach to the peculiar challenges faced by LLDCs that have, over the years, impeded their economic transformation, as well as inclusive and sustainable growth.

“The impacts of multiple interlinked crises due to climate change, COVID-19, geopolitical uncertainties, and global economic slowdown in the subregion have placed greater urgency and importance in addressing the special needs of LLDCs,” said Michiko Enomoto, Acting Head of ESCAP Sub-Regional Office for North and Central Asia “Concerted efforts are needed to ensure we remain focused towards full implementation of the VPoA by 2024.”

These challenges have put LLDCs in a very disadvantageous position for economic development and make them more vulnerable in the case of global disruptions to value chains and cross-border restrictions, negative (or limited) economic growth, and reduction in trade flows.  Of the world’s 32 LLDCs, 7 are in North and Central Asia.

The two-day Expert Group Meeting reviewed progress, gaps, challenges and opportunities on the VPoA priority areas, and addressed the impacts of multiple crises on LLDCs progress.  Over the course of two days, discussions involved sharing innovative solutions, lessons and policy measures on national and subregional development priorities and gaps in implementing key action areas of the VPoA Roadmap. The main focus of the discussions was on transport, energy connectivity, digital trade and trade facilitation in North and Central Asia.

“Central Asian economies are strongly inter-dependent and require effective regional connectivity and integration to reach their potential,” said Sohail Khan Deputy Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation “Regional organizations and partners have a critical role to bring countries and stakeholders from the region together and provide an inclusive platform to discuss priorities, needs and gaps at national and regional level.”

The meeting brought together government representatives and technical experts dealing directly with the implementation of the VPoA and related issues of transit, trade, infrastructure development, structural economic transformation and transport from the 7 LLDCs in the sub-region. The meeting also included representatives of transit countries from the region and development partners as well as the UN system, relevant regional and sub-regional organizations, other international organizations, regional and international financial institutions; and the private sector.

“Although Central Asia has made some notable progress, this Expert Group Meeting provides the opportunity to reflect and look inward in proposing elements and solutions that will effectively respond to the unique challenges faced by LLDCs in the sub-region,” said Arken Arystanov, Chairman of the Board, KazAID.

As an associated event of the EGM, the Secretariat organized the Workshop on Leveraging Public and Private Investment for Accelerate the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action in North and Central Asia on 9 June to have focused discussion on resource mobilization to accelerate the implementation of the VPoA.  Experts and participating policymakers exchanged experiences and good practices in attracting foreign direct investment and enabling Public-Private Partnership to finance sustainable connectivity infrastructures. Participants also explored the potential of sustainable and innovative finance, such as SDG bond and debt-for-climate swaps and discussed deepening multilateral cooperation between stakeholders at all levels.

The outcomes of the Expert Group Meeting as well as the Workshop will provide inputs to the Euro-Asian Final Review of the Vienna Programme of Action in Bangkok, Thailand, in August 2023 and, in turn, to the Third UN Conference on LLDCs in 2024. The Landlocked Developing Countries in North and Central Asia are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

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Image from review implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action event

Photo credit: ESCAP SONCA

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