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North and Central Asia

Virtual launch of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2022

Submitted by NABARQUE on Mon, 28/03/2022 - 14:41
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Event Background

About the event

The 2022 edition of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific Survey was launched last Tuesday, 12 April 2022, from 14:00 to 15:00 (Bangkok time). Published annually since 1947, the Survey provides analyses to guide policy discussion on the current and emerging socio-economic issues and policy challenges to support sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.

The event was opened to media, policymakers, civil society, academics, researchers, and all other stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region as well as outside of the region. 

Survey 2022 presentation

About the report

The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific Survey 2022 discusses at length how the rapid development of Asia-Pacific economies over the past few decades has lifted millions out of poverty but the high economic growth has masked key social issues, particularly inequality, and the global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic have forced such issues into the mainstream.

This 75th issue of the Survey released during the auspicious occasion of ESCAP's 75th anniversary, suggests Asia-Pacific economies must prioritise inclusive growth – whereby citizens of all socio-economic groups are able to improve their livelihoods, incomes, health and education levels. An important opportunity to shift the paradigm that was missed in 2009, so it is vital that Asia-Pacific economies make full use of this post-COVID-19 rebuilding process.


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Survey2022 cover
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Survey 2022 launch concept note
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Survey 2022 Launch Concept Note Draft.pdf
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Survey 2022 launch concept note (182.92 KB) 182.92 KB
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Survey 2022 launch event presentation slides
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Launch Survey 2022 slides.pdf
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Survey 2022 launch slides (2.19 MB) 2.19 MB
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Virtual (from Bangkok)
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Mr. Mitch Hsieh, Chief, Communications and Knowledge Management Section

Event Programme title
Introduction to the Survey 2022 launch
Event Programme time
Parallel event
Event Programme Venue
Virtual (from Bangkok)
Event Programme Additional text

Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP

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Opening remarks
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Virtual (from London)
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Can Asia-Pacific region be the cradle of inclusive structural transformation?   

Professor Lant Pritchett, Research Director at Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government and Fellow at the London School of Economics

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Keynote address
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Virtual (from Bangkok)
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Ms. Sweta C. Saxena, Chief, Macroeconomic Policy and Analysis Section, Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division

Mr. Hamza Ali Malik, Director, Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division

Event Programme title
Presentation on the 2022 Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific
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Parallel event
Event Programme Venue
Virtual (from Bangkok)
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Moderated by Mr. Mitch Hsieh, Chief, Communications and Knowledge Management Section

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Launch - Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2022: Building Forward Fairer
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Survey2022 launch photo
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Event Information Note

The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

Registration and identification badges

Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

Online registration

In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
(Name of delegate)
c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
Transport Division
ESCAP, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
E-mail address: [email protected]

Meeting documents

The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

Daily subsistence allowance

ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

  1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
  2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
  3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
    1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
    2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
    3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
    4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
    5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
    6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
Event Registration Deadline
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02:00 pm ~ 03:00 pm

Side Event with APDIM: Sand and Dust Storms Risk Assessment in Asia and the Pacific: Potential for Concerted Action at Regional Level to Reduce Risk and Strengthen Resilience

Submitted by ABAHRAMI1 on Mon, 16/08/2021 - 17:12
Event Background


Sand and dust storms have a large-scale impact and affect a range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to human health, productivity, agriculture, and infrastructure (transport). The findings of the Sand and Dust Storms Risk Assessment in Asia and the Pacific of the Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM) indicate that a high number of people living in South, South-West and Central Asia are exposed from medium to high level of dust which can have short and long-term negative impact on human health. Sand and dust storms also have wide-ranging negative impact on various socio-economic sectors including agriculture, aviation, and energy.

The deposition of dust on glaciers induces a warming effect, increasing the melting rate of ice. Along with the effects of climate change, dust deposition is a vital component of change to these essential sources of water, with direct and indirect impact on society through numerous issues, including food security, energy production, agriculture, water stress and flood regimes.

Reducing the harmful impact of sand and dust storms as part of disaster risk reduction and resilience-building efforts are interrelated and can help advance the progress being made for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.  Given the frequent transboundary impact of sand and dust storms, there is a strong case for the design and implementation of well-coordinated actions at the national, regional, and interregional levels.

The urgency and importance to build regional cooperation to combat slow-onset disasters is clear in a number of the United Nations General Assembly and ESCAP resolutions adopted in recent years. Some of these resolutions requested the ESCAP Secretariat to support and facilitate disaster risk assessment to strengthen regional cooperation mechanisms as well as to combat the negative impact of sand and dust storms.  

In this context and as a member of the United Nations Coalition on Combating Sand and Dust Storms, APDIM is organizing a side-event during the seventh session of the ESCAP Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction to launch the Sand and Dust Storms Risk Assessment in Asia and the Pacific and discuss how coordinated regional action on sand and dust storms can contribute to combating the negative impact of this transboundary challenge.


APDIM side event at the seventh session of the ESCAP Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction will launch the Report on the Sand and Dust Storms Risk Assessment in Asia and the Pacific and will focus on its outcomes and recommendations to strengthen partnership and promote cooperation and coordination in the region. The side event seeks for a deeper understanding of the socio-economic impact of sand and dust storms; coordinated monitoring and early warning systems, particularly impact-based forecasting; and coordinated actions in most at-risk and exposed geographical areas to mitigate the risks. The side event will bring together senior officials from Member States, international and intergovernmental organizations, and experts.

Programme and Speakers

- Opening Keynotes

  • Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
  • Ms. Letizia Rossano, Director, Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM)

- Sand and Dust Storms Risk Assessment in Asia and the Pacific

  • Mr. Amin Shamseddini, Programme Officer, APDIM
  • Mr. Yoshiya Touge, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University
  • Mr. Alexander Baklanov, Science Officer, Science and Innovation Department, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

- Panel Discussion 

  • Mr. John Leys, Honorary Associate Professor, The Australian National University, Visiting Scientist CSIRO, Honorary Scientific Research Fellow, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  • Mr. Ali Mohammad Tahmasebi Birgani, Chair of National Committee to Combat Sand and Dust Storms, Department of Environment, Islamic Republic of Iran

- Open Discussion/Question and Answer

- Wrap-up and closing of the event by APDIM Director

Event Cover Image
APDIM Side Event at the Seventh Session of ESCAP Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction - Sand and Dust Storms Risk Assessment in Asia and the Pacific: Potential for Concerted Action at Regional Level to Reduce Risk and Strengthen Resilience
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Event Information Note

The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

Registration and identification badges

Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

Online registration

In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
(Name of delegate)
c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
Transport Division
ESCAP, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
E-mail address: [email protected]

Meeting documents

The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

Daily subsistence allowance

ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

  1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
  2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
  3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
    1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
    2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
    3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
    4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
    5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
    6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
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Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series: Statistics that Leave No One Behind: Inclusive Data Charter

Submitted by KBOONPRI on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 10:02
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This Stats Café brought together experts from the Inclusive Data Charter network, including international and regional organizations and national governments, to discuss experiences in producing and using inclusive and disaggregated statistics to progress the Leave No One Behind commitment.

In order to live up to the promise inherent within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to “Leave No One Behind,” we need timely, comprehensive, and disaggregated data to better understand the situation of the poorest and most marginalized. In the Asia-Pacific region, COVID-19 has further heightened the need for accurate data on marginalized communities as the pandemic has exacerbated socio-economic inequities and disrupted data collection efforts.

While there have been some advances in methodologies on data disaggregation since the launch of the SDGs in 2015, critical challenges remain, including the lack of political will and prioritization of inclusive data, limited coordination and cooperation between data producers -especially around the utilization of existing data, and the complexities of collecting data on hard-to-reach populations.


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Stats Cafe no. 26
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Leave No One Behind Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region
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The Inclusive Data Charter
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The Inclusive Data Charter (866.26 KB) 866.26 KB
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Mainstreaming Gender across Statistical Work in Asia and the Pacific to Meet the Promise of Leaving No One Behind
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KNBS’ Work on Inclusive Data Charter and Collaboration with the Ministry of Labour And Social Protection
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Attendance Summary
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Flyer (260.22 KB) 260.22 KB
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Agenda Item 1
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Events Optional tab
Tab title
Events Additional Notes
Title Speaker/Presenter PPT
The Inclusive Data Charter Data Charter Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Mainstreaming Gender across Statistical Work in Asia and the Pacific to Meet the Promise of Leaving No One Behind UN Women
KNBS’ Work on Inclusive Data Charter and Collaboration with the Ministry of Labour And Social Protection Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Leave No One Behind Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region ESCAP
Event Information Note

The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

Registration and identification badges

Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

Online registration

In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
(Name of delegate)
c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
Transport Division
ESCAP, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
E-mail address: [email protected]

Meeting documents

The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

Daily subsistence allowance

ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

  1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
  2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
  3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
    1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
    2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
    3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
    4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
    5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
    6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
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Welcome Remarks

Gemma Van Halderen
Gemma Van Halderen
Chief Data Officer, Data and Evaluation Group, Australian Government Department of Social Services
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Ms Gemma Van Halderen has over thirty years of experience in government statistics and more recently, as Chief Data Officer in the Australian Government Department of Social Services. From 2018-2021, she was Director of the UN ESCAP Statistics Division and worked extensively with governments, multilateral agencies and the statistical community to support developing nations across Asia and the Pacific meet their data obligations under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and respond to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms Van Halderen has been a member of the statistical profession since her undergraduate days, filling executive committee roles with her local branch of the Australian Statistical Society before expanding to the International Association for Official Statistics and becoming an elected member of the International Statistics Institute.  She was the focal point for the Association’s Young Statistician Prize from 2014-2023, and participated in World Statistics Congresses in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brazil, Turkey and Australia.

Ms. Van Halderen holds an Honour’s degree in mathematical statistics from the Australian National University.


Kate Richards
Kate Richards
Outreach Manager –Inclusive Data Charter Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
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Sara Valero
Sara Duerto Valero
Regional Advisor on Gender Statistics, UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
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Sara Duerto Valero is the Regional Advisor on Gender Statistics in UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, where she manages the Flagship Programme Initiative “Making Every Woman and Girl Count.” Besides planning and implementing interventions to support the quality, availability and use of gender statistics across Asia and the Pacific, she provides technical advice and prepares analytical materials on gender statistics. Before joining the regional office, she worked as a statistics specialist in UN Women’s Headquarters. Previously, Sara was a statistician at the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat (UNSD), the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP-SD), and UNESCO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. She holds a Master’s Degree in Development Studies from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles and a graduate degree on Business from the Universidad de Zaragoza.

Renice Akinyi Bunde
Renice Akinyi Bunde
Statistician, Governance, Peace and Security Statistics, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
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Petra Nahmias
Petra Nahmias
Chief, Population and Social Statistics Section, Statistics Division, ESCAP
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Petra Nahmias is Chief of the Population and Social Statistics Section at UNESCAP, having recently taken up this role. She previously led the statistics team at UNHCR, working on a wide variety of statistical and demographic issues related to forced displacement and statelessness. A sociologist-demographer by training, she has further experience in both the international and national statistical systems including the United Nations Population Division, the UK Department for International Development and the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.


Test Event for Programme of Work

Submitted by Suwat Chancharoensuk on Wed, 14/08/2024 - 16:00
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Event Information Note

The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

Registration and identification badges

Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

Online registration

In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
(Name of delegate)
c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
Transport Division
ESCAP, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
E-mail address: [email protected]

Meeting documents

The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

Daily subsistence allowance

ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

  1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
  2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
  3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
    1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
    2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
    3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
    4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
    5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
    6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
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888th session of the Commission

Submitted by Suwat Chancharoensuk on Wed, 07/08/2024 - 08:43
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Agenda item 1

Opening of the session

- Video Flag parade

Agenda item 1 (b) Election of officers

Agenda item 1 (a) Opening addresses

- Opening addresses

- H.E. Mr. Srettha Thavisin, Prime Minister of Thailand

Group photo

- H.E. Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the Seventy-eighth General Assembly

- Ms. Armida Salsiah, Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of ESCAP

Agenda item 1 (c) Adoption of the agenda

- Special remarks by Heads of State/Government

- H.E. Mr. Sonexay Siphandone, Prime Minister of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Chair of ASEAN

- H.E. Samdech Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia

- H.E. Mr. Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr., President of the Republic of the Philippines

- H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh


Agenda item 2 

Theme topic: “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific”:  

- High-level thematic roundtable on "Socio-economic outlook, emerging challenges and solutions" (Concept Note)

- Ms. Fatima Yasmin, Vice-President for Sectors and Themes, Asian Development Bank 

- Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union 

- Prof. Danny Quah, Dean, Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy 

- Mr. Nazeem Noordali, Chief Operating Officer, Trade Solutions Complex, International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation

- Ms. Sommarat Chantarat, Executive Director, Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research

Event Programme title
Agenda item 1. Opening of the session
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Lunch for Heads of State/Government and Ministers
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UNCC and online
Event Programme Additional text
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Event Programme Additional text


Agenda item 2 (a)General debate 

- Presentation of findings of the theme study  

- Country statements 

Event Programme title
Agenda item 2 Theme topic: “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific"
Event Programme time
Parallel event
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Event Programme title
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Parallel event
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Event Programme Additional text


Agenda item 2 (a) General debate (continued) 


High-level thematic roundtable on "Digital innovations for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals" (Concept Note)

- Mr. Tony Blair, Executive, Chairman, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (special remarks by video)

- H.E. Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Indonesia 

- H.E. Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP, Minister of Finance, Bangladesh 

- H.E. Mr. Askar Zhambakin, Vice-Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan

- Ms. Ko Barrett, Deputy Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization 

- Ms. Xirui Lian, Founder and CEO of Lvdoya 


- Country statements 

Event Programme title
Agenda item 2 Theme topic: “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific”
Event Programme time
Parallel event
Event Programme title
Event Programme time
Parallel event
Event Programme Venue
UNCC and online
Event Programme Additional text
Event Programme title
Event Programme time
Parallel event
Event Programme Venue
Event Programme Additional text


Agenda item 2 (a) General debate (continued) 


High-level thematic roundtable on "Digital inclusion" (Concept Note)

-Ms. Moon-sil Choi, Vice President, Department of Digital Inclusion, National Information Society Agency, Republic of Korea 

- Ms. Ying Zhang, Vice President, Centre for International Knowledge on Development 

- Mr. Zorikto Gomboin, Deputy Head of Research Laboratory, Radio Research and Development Institute, Russian Federation 

- Mr. Prasant Ranjan Verma, Accessibility Specialist, Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) Consortium 

- Ms. Pitiporn Phanaphat, First Executive Vice President of Digital Products and Platforms Business, Siam Commercial Bank 

Event Programme title
Agenda item 2 Theme topic: “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific”
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Parallel event
Event Programme Venue
Event Programme Additional text

Agenda item 3: Special Body on Least Developed, Landlocked Developing and Small Island Developing States (Concept Note)

- Ms. Armida Salsiah, Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of ESCAP 

- Ms. Rabab Fatima, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States

- H.E. Mr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, President of National Committee for ESCAP, and First Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, Cambodia

- H.E. Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa 'Utoikamanu, Minister for Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change, and Communication, Tonga

- H.E. Mr. Yalakov Babanyyaz, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, Turkmenistan

- Presentation of the Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2024

- Country interventions

Event Programme title
Agenda item 3 Special Body on Least Developed, Landlocked Developing and Small Island Developing States
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Event Information Note

The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

Registration and identification badges

Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

Online registration

In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
(Name of delegate)
c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
Transport Division
ESCAP, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
E-mail address: [email protected]

Meeting documents

The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

Daily subsistence allowance

ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

  1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
  2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
  3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
    1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
    2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
    3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
    4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
    5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
    6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
Other Event Participants

Observers to the United Nations 

Holy See 

  • • H.E. Archbishop Peter B. Wells, Apostolic Nuncio 
  • • Rev. Msgr. Daniel Tumiel, Secretary 
  • • Dr. Kamolnate Maleenont
  • • Dr. Annop Peungchuer

Intergovernmental Organizations

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  • • Ms. Fatima Yasmin, Vice-President for Sectors and Themes of the Asian Development Bank  
  • • Ms. Prabhjot Rehan Khan, Senior Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development) 

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) 

  • • Mr. Hans Guttman, Executive Director 
  • • Mr. Aslam Perwaiz, Deputy Executive Director 

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) 

  • • Mr. LIU Ziping, Deputy Secretary General
  • • Dr. Jongbong Park, Director, Project Development  

Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) 

  • • H.E. Mr. Indra Mani Pandey, Secretary-General 
  • • Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Director 

Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA)  

  • • H.E.Mr. Kairat Sarybay, Secretary-General   
  • • Mr. Arkadii Koshcheev, Senior officer of the Secretariat 
  • • Dr. Ugur Turan, Expert of the Secretariat, Environmental dimension 
  • • Ms. Gulnara Alimbayeva, Personal Assistant to the CICA Secretary-General 

Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) 

  • • Dr. Songyang Wu, Regional Expert
  • • Ms. Marivic Pulvera Uzarraga, Manager, Project Operation and Information

Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)  

  • • Mr. Kashif Zaman, Deputy Secretary-General 


  • • Dr. Duan Yihong, Secretary of Typhoon Committee, Typhoon Committee Secretariat 

Eurasian Development Bank 

  • • Mr. Nikolai Podguzov, Chairman of the Management Board 
  • • Mr. Denis Ilin, Senior Managing Director
  • • Mr. Alexander Vasilchenko, Managing Director, Head of the Chairman's Office 
  • • Ms. Lilia Khusnutdinova, Managing Director, Head of Department of International Cooperation 

Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) Secretariat  

  • • Mr. Seung Su LYU, Programme Advisor 

International Pepper Community (IPC) 

  • • Mrs. Firna Azura Ekaputri Hj. Marzuki, Executive Director 
  • • Mr. Galih Perwara, Information Officer 
  • • Mr. Budiman Munggaran, Statistical Officer 
  • • Mr. Yadi Suryadi, IT Officer 
  • • Ms. Pebria Shilvi, Finance and Administrative Officer

International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) 

  • • Mr. Dulguun Damdin-Od, Executive Director 
  • • Ms. Enkhtuul Jantsankhorol, Administrative Officer  

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) 

  • • Mr. Henry Puna, Secretary-General  
  • • Ms. Marina Illingworth Representative, Engagement Adviser 

Secretariat of the International Coconut Community (ICC) 

  • • Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director, ICC 
  • • Mr. Alit Pirmansah, Market & Statistics Officer, ICC 

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 

  • • Mr. Shukhrat Sobirzoda, Deputy Secretary-General 
  • • Saida Iskandarova, Expert from Economic Department

Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) 

  • • H.E. Mr. Lee Hee-sup, Secretary-General 
  • • Ms. Kang Prum, Programme Officer, Department of Economic Affairs 

UN Specialized Agencies and Bodies

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

  • • Mr. Robert Simpson, Special Adviser to the Assistant Director-General and   Officer-in-Charge for Regional Programme Leader  
  • • Mr. Aziz Elbehri, Senior Policy Officer  
  • • Ms. Eva Galvez Nogales, Agricultural Officer

International Labour Organization (ILO) 

  • • Ms. Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa, Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific 
  • • Mr. Ken Chamuva Shawa, Senior Economist and Head of Regional Economic and Social Analysis Unit 
  • • Mr. Stefan Kühn, Labour Economist, Regional Economic and Social Analysis Unit 

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 

  • • Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director of the ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 

  • • Ms. Ko Barrett, Deputy Secretary-General 
  • • Mr. Ben Churchill, Director, Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific 
  • • Mr. Jun Yu, Regional Officer, Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific 

Funds and Programmes

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • • Ms. Marlene Nilsson, Regional Director, a.i. 
  • • Mr. Jonathan Gilman, Regional Development Coordinator 
  • • Mr. Subrata Sinha, Regional Environmental Affairs Officer 

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)  

  • • Ms. Madu Dissanayake, Regional Programme and Intergovernmental Specialist 

United Nations Secretariat 

  • • Mr. Dmitry Mariyasin, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) 

Related Organizations 

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 

  • • Mr. Liu Hua, Deputy Director General, and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation  
  • • Mr. Gashaw Gebeyehu Wolde, Head of the Asia and the Pacific Section in the Department of Technical Cooperation 

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  

  • • Ms. Julie Amoroso-Garbin, Regional Lead, Regional Collaboration Centre for Asia and the Pacific 

Non-Governmental Organizations 

Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)  

  • • Mr. Cyril  Ritchie, First Vice President of CoNGO (2018-2025) 
  • • Ms. Sheila Bordier, Senior Associate of CoNGO 

Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)             

  • • Mr. Quan Nan, Director of Southeast Asia and South Asia Office, GEIDCO 

Global Peace Foundation 

  • • Mr. Leonardo T. Faustino, Executive Director 
  • • Kier S. Aventurado 
  • • Mr. Robert T. Capiral, Programme Coordinator 

International Community of Women Living with HIV Asia Pacific (ICWAP) 

  • • Ms. Sita Banjade Shahi, Regional Coordinator, International Community of Women Living with HIV Asia Pacific  

India Water Foundation 

  • • Dr. Arvind Kumar, President 

International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) 

  • • Dr. Sebastian Cordoba IFSW-Asia Pacific Main Representative to the UN
  • • Dr. Wilaiporn Kotbungkair, IFSW-Asia Pacific Representative to the UN 

Muslim World League (MWL) 

  • • Mr. Abdul Rahman Muhammad Amin Al-Khayyat, Director of MWL’s office in Indonesia and General Supervisor of the MWL’s centers and offices in Asia and Australia 

Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association (PPSEAWA)

  • • Ms. Mondhiya Bhangsbha, President 
  • • Dr. Chaiskran Hiranpruk 
  • • Miss Sawitta Wichitrakorn 
  • • Ms. Prapa Kijjana, Executive Secretary

Soroptimist International 

  • • Ms. Theresa Devasahayam, Representative 

Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) 

  • • Mr. Kenddrick Yonghao Chan, Senior Policy Analyst 
  • • Ms.Tay Pei Chin, Senior Policy Advisor 
  • • Ms. Maria Teo Bee See, Community Manager 

Vier Pfoten International/FOUR PAWS International 

  • • Dr. Jackson Tzu-ie Zee, Director Global Affairs & Disaster Resilience  
  • • Mr. Benjamin Strohmann, SEA Development and Operations Manager  
  • • Mr. Somsak Soonthornnawaphat, Government Liaison Officer  
  • • Ms. Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Asia for Animals (AfA) Coalition - Policy Lead Coordinator 

Zonta International 

  • • Ms. Chavali Pamela Osathanugrah, Zonta International UN Committee Member Biennium 2022-2024 

Other Entities 

    International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) 

    • • Ms. Kathryn Clarkson, Head of IFRC Country Cluster Delegation for Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and Permanent Observer of IFRC to UNESCAP 
    • • Ms. Cindy Le Ky Huong, Coordinator, Corporate Services and Partnerships, Country Cluster Delegation for Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam 
    • • Ms. Sacha Magaloff, Senior Assistant, Disaster Law and Humanitarian Diplomacy, Country Cluster Delegation for Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
    • • Ms. Olga Dzhumaeva, Head of Country Cluster Delegation for East Asia International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies   

    Private Sector Representatives members of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Council 

    • • Ms. Esther An, ESBN Executive Council member and Chief Sustainability Officer of City Development Limited, Singapore 
    • • Mr. Agus (Yono) Reksoprodjo, Vice Chair of the ESBN, and Vice President of Corporate Affairs of Sintesa Group, Indonesia 
    • • Mr. Arief Ekaadiputra Novrianto, Chief Executive Officer,Guava Amenities Pte Ltd 
    • • Ms. Anju Jaswal, Deputy Head of International Business Headquarters, Managing Director of Strategic Planning and Development Office for Southeast Asia, Azbil Corporation 
    • • Mr. Piyachart Isarabhakdee, Chief Executive Officer, BRANDi and Companies Co., Ltd., Thailand 
    • • Ms. Sasarin Borwornchokchai, Chief Consulting Officer, BRANDi and Companies Co., Ltd., Thailand 
    • • Mr. Anthony M. Watanabe, Chief of Sustainability Officer, Indorama Ventures PCL, Thailand 
    • • Mr.Faroze Nadar, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB) 
    • • Ms.Shu Yi Chua, Coordinator, Executive Director’s Office, United Nations Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB) 
    • • Mohamad Irwan Aman, General Manager, Sustainability, Sarawak Energy, Berhad 
    • • Angeline Seah, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Virtualtech Frontier 
    • • Mr. Roy Heong, Head of Strategic Partnerships & Innovation, Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad 
    • • Mr. Simon Mak, Chief Executive Officer, Ascent Partners Group Limited 
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    Training Workshop on Measuring Illicit Financial flows

    Submitted by KBOONPRI on Tue, 09/07/2024 - 16:28
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    The main aim of the training workshop is to increase the knowledge of national experts international agreed conceptual frameworks for measuring illicit financial flows, mainly those related to commerce. Specifically, the workshop will raise awareness of existing methodologies for estimating illicit financial flows , enhance the understanding of different methods for measuring illicit financial flows  and build the capacity to identify and apply appropriate methods that best fits the estimation of illicit financial flows in Tajikistan.

    At the end of the workshop, participants are expected to be knowledgeable about various methods to measure commercial illicit financial flows and how they can be applied in Tajikistan.

    To ensure effective learning and practical experience, participants are expected to bring with them laptop computers for practical exercises.

    The workshop will cover topics related to concepts and methods for measuring tax and commercial IFFs, measuring trade related IFFs, Use of R in measurement of IFFs in trade databases, tax avoidance methods and other methods.

    The training workshop will be conducted in the Russian language. For more details please contact Ms Anastasia Maga on [email protected] and Mr Alick Nyasulu on [email protected].

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    Event Information Note

    The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

    The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

    Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


    Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

    Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

    Registration and identification badges

    Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

    Online registration

    In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

    For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


    Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
    (Name of delegate)
    c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
    Transport Division
    ESCAP, United Nations Building
    Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
    Bangkok 10200
    Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Meeting documents

    The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

    Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

    Daily subsistence allowance

    ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

    Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

    Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

    In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

    1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
    2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
    3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
      1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
      2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
      3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
      4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
      5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
      6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
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    Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

    Submitted by SKAEWCHA on Mon, 08/07/2024 - 12:36
    Event attendance type
    Event Background

    Intergovernmental Meeting

    ESCAP will convene the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in partnership with the Regional United Nations Network on Migration for Asia and the Pacific at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok from 4 to 6 February 2025. The intergovernmental meeting will bring together ESCAP members and associated members, relevant stakeholders, United Nations entities, and independent experts from across the Asia-Pacific region.


    International migration is an important multidimensional reality of major relevance for sustainable development to countries of origin, transit and destination in Asia and the Pacific.

    In 2020, there were almost 67 million international migrants in the Asia-Pacific region. Almost 109 million migrants from ESCAP countries were living outside their countries of birth, nearly 40 per cent of all the migrants in the world. Most migration is intraregional, and in 2020, about 47 million migrants from Asia-Pacific countries moved to other countries within the region; thus, 71 per cent of the foreign-born stock in Asia and the Pacific came from within the region.

    When it is well-managed, migration can be a key driver of sustainable development: countries of destination can benefit from migrants’ skills, and migrants offen fill gaps in labour forces, while communities in countries of origin can benefit from migrant remittances and the links they create between countries of origin and destination.

    However, maximizing the potential benefits and minimizing the potential negative impact of migration remains a challenge. Often, migration in the region is not safe, orderly and regular. This renders migrants vulnerable to rights violation, abuse and exploitation, harming migrants and all of society.


    In this context, and pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 73/195, 73/326 ad 76/266, ESCAP, in partnership with the Regional United Nations Network on Migration for Asia and the Pacific are organizing the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.


    The second Asia-Pacific GCM Regional Review will provide an opportunity for ESCAP members and associate members, as well as other relevant stakeholders, to:


    1. Take stock of progress made with regard to the 360-degree implementation of the 23 objectives of the GCM in the Asia-Pacific region since the first Asia-Pacific GCM Regional Review;
    2. Identify key challenges, opportunities, gaps and emerging issues, as well as promising practices and lessons learned related to the implementation of the GCM in Asia and the Pacific;
    3. Discuss regional priorities and potential areas for regional cooperation on international migration in line with the vision and guiding principles of the GCM;
    4. Compile resource requirements, capacity-building needs, policy advice, data gathering needs, technology and partnerships that are required for the full implementation of the GCM at the national and regional levels; and
    5. Facilitate the formulation of key findings and recommendations to inform the 2026 International Migration Review Forum (IMRF).


    The second Asia-Pacific GCM Regional Review will build on the first Asia-Pacific GCM Regional Review and its Chair’s summary, as well as the International Migration Review Forum and its Progress Declaration.


    The review will adopt an inclusive, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach and will provide an opportunity for ESCAP members and associate members and relevant stakeholders to review all aspects of the GCM, according to its vision and its cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles.


    Since the GCM is firmly rooted in the 2030 Agenda, the GCM Regional Review will also discuss how the implementation of the GCM objectives will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


    Background information


    For further information, please contact: Social Development Division, ESCAP ([email protected]).

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    Event Information Note

    The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

    The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

    Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


    Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

    Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

    Registration and identification badges

    Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

    Online registration

    In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

    For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


    Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
    (Name of delegate)
    c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
    Transport Division
    ESCAP, United Nations Building
    Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
    Bangkok 10200
    Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Meeting documents

    The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

    Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

    Daily subsistence allowance

    ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

    Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

    Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

    In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

    1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
    2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
    3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
      1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
      2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
      3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
      4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
      5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
      6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
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    Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series: ESCAP Committee on Statistics: Fit for the future (2nd session)

    Submitted by KBOONPRI on Fri, 05/07/2024 - 14:34
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    This session is the second in the series, following the first one held on 20 June 2024, to further discuss the review of the groups and communities of practice supporting the Committee’s work. The secretariat circulated the revised version of the consultation paper on 8 July 2024, which incorporated feedback received from the first round of the consultation received in June 2024.

    The session will be chaired by Dr. Koh, Singapore’s Chief Statistician and Rapporteur of the Bureau of the Committee on Statistics. It will be a panel discussion, where each panelist could “share their reflections on the proposed new structure, highlighting the potential benefits and any challenges which might still need to be addressed.”


    • ESCAP stats cafe’s main audience is NSOs and statisticians.
    • Open to the public Roles and Speakers
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    Dr. Koh Eng Chuan, Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics Singapore and Rapporteur of the Bureau of ESCAP Committee on Statistics

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    Ms. Rachael Beaven, Director Statistics Division, ESCAP

    Event Programme title
    Presentation on draft proposals
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    Parallel event
    Event Programme Additional text

    Each panel member will be asked to share their reflections on the proposed new structure addressed in the consultation paper, which incorporated feedback from the 1st round of consultation conducted in June.


    • Dr. Koh Eng Chuan, Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics, Singapore


    • Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director, National Statistics Office of Georgia - GEOSTAT
    • Mr. Gary Dunnet, Deputy Chief Methodologist. Stat NZ
    Event Programme title
    Panel Discussion & dialogue with two panel members and the chair
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    Parallel event
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    Ms Rachael Beaven, Director Statistics Division, ESCAP

    Event Programme title
    Wrap up and Closing
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    Event Information Note

    The sixth session of the Committee on Transport is scheduled to be held from 12 to 13 November 2020.

    The secretariat is monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and is putting into place measures to mitigate public health risks associated with mass gatherings. The secretariat continues to receive guidance from the World Health Organization, the authorities of the host country of ESCAP and the United Nations Secretariat.

    Decisions on the schedule and modality of the Committee session to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants will be communicated as soon as practicable.


    Delegations are kindly requested to submit letters of credentials to Mr. Weimin Ren, Director, Transport Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Fax: (66-2) 288-1067, 288-3050, at their earliest convenience prior to 1 October 2018.. Letters of credential should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of the ESCAP and emailed to [email protected].

    Members of delegations are kindly reminded to bring official identification with them, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of their respective Governments/Agencies/Organizations, and provide them to the Secretariat staff at the registration counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC along with a copy of the letter of credentials indicating their appointment to the delegation.

    Registration and identification badges

    Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Monday, 19 November 2018 between 08.00 hours and 09.00 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

    Online registration

    In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 1 October 2018. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

    For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


    Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows:
    (Name of delegate)
    c/o Mr. Weimin Ren
    Transport Division
    ESCAP, United Nations Building
    Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
    Bangkok 10200
    Fax: +66.2.2883022, +66.2.2881000
    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Meeting documents

    The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. These documents will be made available prior to the session at

    Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.

    Daily subsistence allowance

    ESCAP does not provide financial assistance for participation in the 5th session of the Committee on Transport. However, it does cover the travel expenses of officials participating in the workshop on cross-border co-deployment of fibre optic infrastructure along road and rail networks. In that regard, the following shall apply:

    Depending on which of the above applies, participants whose travel is sponsored (or partly sponsored) by ESCAP will receive a DSA to cover all costs associated with their participation in the meeting, including accommodation, meals and local transport while in Bangkok. A voucher to be cashed at the bank located on the ESCAP premises will be given to participants. Participants will receive their vouchers against submittal of a copy of their passports, copy of their air-tickets and the original boarding pass(es) for the flight(s) to Bangkok. To facilitate the issuance of vouchers, eligible participants are kindly requested to come with read-made copies of their passports. To date, the DSA for Bangkok is Thai Baht 7,150 (about US$ 216). Please note that this amount is subject to change without prior notice.

    Participants who are unable to stay for the entire duration of the meeting are requested to inform the secretariat as soon as possible after their arrival so that the DSA can be adjusted accordingly.

    In those cases where the participation costs are borne by ESCAP, the secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditures, including the following:

    1. You are representing your Government only at the 5th session of the Committee on Transport: ESCAP does not provide any financial support and participation is on a self-financing basis.
    2. You are representing your Government only at the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule.
    3. You are representing your Government at both the 5th session of the Committee on Transport and the workshop on co-deployment: ESCAP provides air-ticket and DSA for two nights (i.e. 21 and 22 November 2018 depending on flight schedule and participants have to cover three nights on a self-financing basis (i.e. 18 to 20 November 2018).
      1. all expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
      2. salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
      3. cost incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
      4. compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
      5. any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
      6. any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
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    Opening remarks

    Eng Chuan Koh
    Dr. Koh Eng Chuan
    Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics, Singapore
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    As Singapore’s Chief Statistician, Dr. Koh Eng Chuan has steered the Department of Statistics (DOS) on its transformation journey to be the first stop for data and data services for Whole-of-Government (WOG), national, and international users. DOS is the Capability Centre of Individual and Business Data, and continuously benchmark against best practices of the advanced and reputable national statistical organizations as well as leading companies in the private sector.

    Under Dr. Koh’s guidance, DOS tailored demand-driven data products for specific user groups, including enabling data access through the Anonymised Microdata Access Programme for in-depth analyses of socio-economic issues by researchers, providing businesses with data tools with curated and contextualized content for data-driven decision-making, and enhancing DOS’s digital services for the general public. Dr. Koh has also established the Digital Transformation Unit to drive innovations in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, scaling applications to benefit WOG. One such example is the development of the DOS Intelligent Classification Engine (DICE) for statistical classifications which leverages large-language model.

    To uplift the competency of the statistical community, Dr. Koh drives the establishment and growth of the DOS Academy. This serves to equip and upskill statisticians and WOG officers in statistical capabilities, and also to consolidate and recognize the technical and specialized data skills of government statisticians.

    At the international level, Dr. Koh is a Bureau member of the UN ESCAP’s Committee on Statistics.

    Presenter & Moderator

    Rachael Beaven
    Ms. Rachael Beaven
    Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP
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    Ms Rachael Beaven has over thirty years of experience in government statistics, in particular data preparation and analysis.  She has also worked extensively with governments, multilateral agencies and the statistical community, most notably through the United Nations Statistics Division, ECA, ESCAP, World Bank and Paris21.

    Ms. Beaven has provided a wide range of technical support, from improving economic and financial statistics to estimating local population using geospatial data.  She is one of the founders of the Inclusive Data Charter, launched at the 2018 High-Level Political Forum, to mobilize political commitments and to advance inclusive and disaggregated data.  Ms. Beaven also led a programme on monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals with United Nations Statistics Division and established a data science hub with the Office for National Statistics of the United Kingdom to explore use of data science, in particular geospatial as well as big data, to monitor progress.

    Ms. Beaven holds Master’s degrees in Statistical Applications in Business and Government as well as Business Administration, and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Geology.


    Gogita Todradze
    Mr. Gogita Todradze
    Executive Director, National Statistics Office of Georgia - GEOSTAT
    Know More

    Mr. Gogita Todradze is the Executive Director of National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) from May 2018.

    Since 2002 he has been working at various positions in the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT). In 2010-2016, he was Head of the Business Statistics Division, while in 2016 - 2018 he occupied the position of Deputy Executive Director.

    Since November 2017 he is a member of the Business Statistics Expert Group of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and since 2019, a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC). 2020 - 2022 he was elected as the Chair of the Bureau of the Committee on Statistics of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP).

    Gogita Todradze has higher education qualifications in the field of Economics (Statistics) and legal studies. Since 2006 he holds the degree of Ph.D. in economics. He also speaks English, German, and Russian languages.

    Gary Dunnet
    Mr. Gary Dunnet
    Deputy Chief Methodologist, Statistics New Zealand
    Know More

    Gary Dunnet is currently Statistics New Zealand’s Deputy Chief Methodologist and has over 35 years’ experience as an official statistician. Gary has primarily worked at Statistics NZ, but has had stints in the NSI’s of Ireland and Australia. While he has spent most of this time as a methodologist, he has worked in many parts of an NSI (incl. subject matter (National Accounts, Census), planning, IT, and dissemination). In recent times, Gary has been on the SingStat Strategic Advisory Panel and is currently on the Statistics Centre of Abu Dhabi equivalent committee.

    Gary is very active in the international community, where he is currently on the IAOS Executive Board and coordinator of the IAOS Young Statistician Prize; he is also on the HLG-MOS Exec Board and chair of the HLG-MOS Applying Data Science and Modern Methods to Official Statistics work-stream; a member of the Chief Methodologists Network and an active participant in the UN ESCAP community and NZ statistical community. Gary is passionate about the development of technical staff and innovation within the statistical system and processes.

    Event time
    01:00 pm ~ 02:30 pm
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