Part I - Regional Progress
- 1.1 How much progress has the Asia-Pacific region made on the Sustainable Development Goals?
- 1.2 Social development
- 1.3 Economic development
- 1.4 Environmental development
- 1.5 Partnerships, data, technology, connectivity, and financing to reach the goals
- 1.6 High priorities in the region
- 1.7 Data availability for assessing progress on the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific
- 1.8 Summary and conclusions
Part II – Subregional progress
Part III - Strengthening National Statistical Systems for the 2030 Agenda
- 3.1 Navigating policy with data to leave no one behind
- 3.2 The biggest gaps: communication, advocacy and awareness raising
- 3.3 Ensuring statistics exist and are used for policymaking
- 3.4 Equipping countries to fulfil their commitments to the regional vision
- 3.5 Development partners support for the success of the 2030 Agenda
- Annex 1: Figures on SDG progress across Asia and the Pacific by subregion
- Annex 2: Technical notes
- Annex 3: Table of indicators selected for SDG progress assessment
- Annex 4: List of countries in the Asia-Pacific region and subregions
- Annex 5: Indicators for monitoring the declaration on Navigating Policy with Data to Leave No One Behind
Related links | SDG Gateway | National SDG Tracker | Data explorer | EPIC Tool |