Science, technology and innovation (STI) have always been key drivers for achieving economic development and prosperity in Asia and the Pacific. The Governments of Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand and Viet Nam (CLTV) have recently adopted or are in the process of adopting national STI policies to support the development of domestic STI capacities. However, significant gaps remain in the implementation of these policies and strategies, such as:
- Insufficient technical knowledge to design specific policy instruments.
- Limited institutional capacity to implement and oversee initiatives to nurture domestic STI capabilities.
In this regard, South-South and triangular cooperation emerges as a valuable instrument to collectively overcome technical, institutional and financial limitations and build STI capabilities in CLTV. South-South relations have already contributed significantly to an increased volume of trade, foreign direct investment flows and technology transfer. Moreover, technical cooperation among CLTV has proven to be an effective tool for Governments, international organizations, academics, civil society and the private sector to collaborate and share knowledge, skills, successful initiatives and lessons learned in specific areas.