Session details: 2nd March 11.00-13.30 Bangkok time
3rd March 11.00-13.30 Bangkok time
Who: VNR teams, lead writers, National Statistics offices, and UN RCO
Modality: Virtual (Zoom)
Interpretation: Russian-English interpretation will be provided
Summary: The workshop will be split over two days (to accommodate different time zones). The workshop is designed to be practical and useful to your VNR preparations. The workshop will have two themes.
Day 1: Focusing on your draft and preparing for the HLPF
Day 2: Integrating data and different perspectives into your VNR
Background: Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are an essential part of the follow up and review framework of the 2030 Agenda. Eleven countries in the Asia-Pacific region will be presenting their VNRs for the second time at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in 2023. Second generation VNRs play a critical part of this follow up and review process, by tracking the next steps and recommendations from the first review and identifying concrete next steps to address key challenges in the implementation of the agenda at country level.
Objective: The objective of the workshop is to strengthen preparations for the 2023 VNRs through peer-learning and technical support. Through promoting regional exchange of experiences and lessons learned among the volunteering countries in the region, it can strengthen VNR preparations for the HLPF. As in previous years, each segment invites participants to engage in discussion of challenges and good practices in preparing VNRs.
Purpose: To support countries in their VNR drafting & stakeholder engagement process by providing guidance and tips and the space to exchange questions, ideas and learn from other VNR countries.
Agenda: To be confirmed.