These two expert dialogues will provide an opportunity for heads of NSOs to help to shape global and regional data governance work. It is an opportunity for Chief Statisticians in Asia and the Pacific to explore the two emerging issues which the Committee will be considering: Measuring Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product [ESCAP/CST/2022/5: 中文 | English | Français | Русский] and Data Governance in a Changing World [ESCAP/CST/2022/6: 中文 | English | Français | Русский]. The overarching theme of the expert dialogues is Data Governance and hence beyond GDP progress measures will feature and be discussed within this theme.
It is expected the dialogues will identify opportunities for regional action to strengthen data governance, including the increased production and use of complementary progress measures. The expert dialogues will also provide an opportunity for countries to share their experiences and challenges around data governance as well as to engage with a range of regional and global data governance initiatives.
About the Expert Dialogue 2
The second expert group will provide an opportunity for countries to hear more about different regional and global data governance and broader measures progress initiatives as well as a way for those managing these initiatives to hear more about country experiences.
This expert dialogue will use a world café format to provide a way to link country experiences to global and regional initiatives. The use of an informal cafe setting will allow participants to explore a number of data governance issues by discussing them in small table groups.
Each table will have a host who will be a representative of one of the regional or global initiatives on data governance. The process will start with each table host giving a one to two minute lightning talk on the regional or global initiative they are representing. The process then begins with the first of three or more twenty-minute rounds of conversation for small groups seated around a table. At the end of the twenty minutes, each group moves to the next table. The “table host” will stay for the next round, they will welcome the next group and briefly fill them in on what happened in the previous round. The conversation will then continue with the new group building on the earlier discussion. This process will be repeated for four cycles of twenty minutes to allow participants to join four different discussion tables. Table hosts will also have an ESCAP resource person who will stay at the table throughout the event. The table host may choose to move round but will need to return to their table towards the end so they can sum up the key messages.